I Got 99 Problems and Sometimes self-doubt is one...
On April 27, 2004, Jay- Z released his single, 99 problems. I enjoyed vibing to this song because it helped me realize that everyone has problems, " I got ninety nine problems but a ___ ain't one". I decided to remix this popular hit, " I got ninety-nine problems and sometimes self-doubt is one."
I’ve wrestled with self-doubt when started anything new. Here’s a few things- I wrestled with self-doubt when I started graduate school at University of Miami, starting new jobs, starting and sharing Fosterpreneur (my other organization), honing my tutoring skills, starting my own coaching business. At times, I was riddled with what- ifs. However, in each of those situations, the thing that always helped me counter my self-doubt was ACTION. Let me tell you there have been times when I was afraid to take a single action even when it was so obvious to do it. However, I want to help you.
Here are few practical tips to help when encountering self doubt-
Begin with the end in mind. I’m sharing this with you but I don’t want you to get overwhelmed. If you want to thing about the end goal. Then we’re going to reverse engineer the process.
Celebrate the small wins- it takes a brick by brick approach to get there. I’m all about the processes.
Daily small action. For example, if you want to make fitness or diet changes. What’s the one thing that you can do today- maybe it’s refraining from carbs. Sometimes, you have to start small to see momentum
Give yourself 90 days minimum. I know this is counter-intuitive. But I don’t believe you can see tangible results in many areas in 30 days- you need to give yourself a little more grace but be consistent. At the beginning of 2019, I consulted with a personal trainer and he told me that I probably won’t see any noticeable results for 3 months. I was shocked but you know- he was right.
Now, I want to hear from you. Have you experienced self- doubt? What have you done to work against it? Also, if you want some more support with self- doubt, let’s talk.